
漂囚 Adrift


這是我的第一個攝影個展,展出的作品是過去一年在紐約努力的成果,2/7 星期六 3-5 pm 是開幕酒會,請大家一起來分享喜悅。


In Adrift, I am trying to convey the confusion and uncertainty that my Taiwanese friends experience while living in New York City, pursuing their dreams yet still yearning to go back to Taiwan, the place that is home. I attempt to isolate my subjects in the context of their daily lives, emphasizing a tentative mood of transition. These images are like a flow of film stills, which let viewers project themselves into the ambiguities of these intimate spaces.

展出時間: 2/7 Sat - 2/23 Mon . 2009
開幕酒會: 2/7 Sat 3-5 pm
地點: 蛙咖啡

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